Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS, and other random objects!


Rhonda Peterson and Associates





We all have books hanging out around our homes.  They take up space in closets, corners, under sofas, beds, chairs, you name it!  If you don’t use them to create cool interesting compositions, you’re really missing out on a major opportunity!  Look at your bookshelves right now!  Please tell me you are not looking at a ton of books just stacked on the shelves!  Please tell me you will now use your imagination to create a very interesting home for them and the other random objects you have around your home!  Come on!  Right now, get up from your computer and make some magic happen!  It doesn’t have to be perfection!  It just has to be imaginative!  Go!  Go!  Go!  You’ll be so pleased with yourself once you’re done!  I promise!


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