Senin, 31 Desember 2012

And So The Countdown Begins...

I hope 2012 was a great year for everyone!  It was for me.  Oh sure, it wasn't without it's disappointments, heartbreaks, and a few tears; but I would not change a thing!
Make it AMAZING!
Images via Pinterest

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Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Inspiring Ways of Thinking

It all begins with our thoughts.  We have the power to decide how our days are going to go.  We can decide how we're going to feel, how we're going to communicate, how we're going to live.  A great way to do that is to...

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Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

A Way of Life...

I'm a long way from perfect.  In fact, I am totally flawed.  I make mistakes, I would say probably daily.  I over analyze everything.  I talk a lot, (too much most of the time).  I want it a certain way.  What?  Whatever.  Everything.  I'm critical (of myself mostly).  I'm opinionated.  I'm controlling.  I don't always do the right thing (sometimes, intentionally).  Knowing these things about me and wanting to be a better person compels me to fall to my knees daily to ask for the help that only God can give.
I'm a planner.  Taking things one day at a time scares me.  It always has.  I read somewhere a long time ago to write the plan, but give God the eraser.  I think I said that right.  I have seen, especially here recently, where it was my plan to do something a certain way but because I'm practicing surrendering and submitting to the will of God, He comes right on in and makes it more than I could have ever thought possible.  "Exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think".  This is what He does.  He just needs us to move; to do something.  He will bless the work of your hands.  "In all labor there is profit".  You don't have to know how it's going to work, you just have to work!

It's not faith if you can see it or touch it.  Faith is calling those things that be not as though they are and waiting with expectation on the manifestation of it.  Everyone has moments when their faith is shaken.  Faith comes from having that personal relationship with God.  The reason it's easier to have faith in people or things is because we have developed and established some type of relationship with them.  We've had experiences that we've grown to trust, and know what to expect from them.  If this is possible with people and things that are conditional, imagine what our experiences would be like with the only One who loves, gives, and blesses unconditionally.  Someone Who is not a respector of person, but a respector of faith!

I never thought about fear in this way before seeing this quote!  Total truth.  Totally something to check yourself with.  I would venture to say, the reason I don't try more things than I do is because of fear.  Fear of rejection.  Fear of failure.  Fear of being criticized.  Fear of being successful.  Yeah, that last one sounded kinda crazy, huh?  If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you would be shocked to learn the number of people who limit themselves because they are afraid of what success will bring.  You're reading the words of one of such person right now.  As I said in the very beginning, I am totally flawed, but I'm getting better.

I have to repeat this to myself when I am faced with challenges that push me to the edge.  Usually it's in the area of dealing with others.  Specifically those who are just not "good" people with less that admirable intentions.  Wolves in sheeps clothing.  It is always my desire to not let my behavior be determinded by the actions of others.  Do the right thing because it is the right thing.  Behave as if the world is watching.  I repeatedly say this to myself.  I would like to say I'm always successful with this.  It would be a lie.  I do try and will keep trying! 

When my heart is heavy and my mind is confused, I meditate on scriptures that pull me through.  When that's not enough and there are quite a few times when its not, I have my prayer partners that I call on that have been annointed to say just what I need to hear to set me back on the path.  Let me say this, just because people say they will pray for you, doesn't mean they will.  There are three women I believe God has given charge over helping to keep my spirit filled with His word.  Seek out those who will lift you up and edify you.  Those who will correct you and love you knowing that you are God's perfect work.

The only way to trust in God is to have a relationship with Him.  The only way to have a relationship with Him is to study His word.  I'm sorry if you thought I had some magic thought on how to trust in God.  It's not something that comes easily and without it's challenges.  You have to spend time with Him.  No time = no trust!

I enjoy my prayer time with God.  It's nothing earth shattering and profound.  It's just a time when I talk to him in much the same way as I do my dad.  A conversation where I say all things that are on my heart and then get quiet so that I am able to hear from him.  Sometimes, I don't hear anything!  But let me tell you, during the course of my day, I know that He heard me because something that I prayed earlier is revealed to me!  It's the most incredible experience ever!

It may not be where you want to be, but there are no mistakes where God is concerned.  He will turn something that was meant for bad to good.  The key is to believe and rest in knowing that He is who He is and He has it all worked out.  He just needs you to stay the course, be faithful, stay prayerful, and know that He is God.
My faith and belief in God is not something I do when I'm in trouble, depressed, or confused.  It is a way of life for me.  It is my life.  No, I don't walk around quoting scriptures to everyone that I meet and you won't find me carrying a Bible when I go shopping or about my daily routine.  However, spend some time with me and you'll see the glory of God radiating through my smile, my personality, and who I am as a person.  When you walk in the favor of God, people may not recognize it as His Glory that shines in your life, but what they will recognize is that you're not like everyone else and there is something about you that draws people to you.  I'm not thinking more of myself than I am.  I'm just owning all that God has blessed me with so that I can be a blessing to others.
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Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Food for Thought...

This is the time of year when I, along with I'm sure many others, become very reflective; giving thought to my goals for this year, my accomplishments, my failures, my coulda, woulda, shoulda's!  I tend to take stock of many things that have affected my progress or lack thereof.  One area of my life that has had a spotlight placed on it is the people that I've allowed into my life in whatever capacity; be it friends, acquaintances, colleagues, anyone that has taken time away from my family and/or me doing what is necessary to become, quite simply, better. 
I learned a very long time ago when I first moved to Atlanta, that I will not get any further than where I am or be better than what I am, by waiting on people.  You know what I mean!  "I'm waiting on such and such so we can move to Atlanta".  "I'm waiting on so and so to go visit modeling agencies".  The always waiting on someone to do something with or do something "period" before I make a move to do what it is I want to do.  I am so glad I've not been a casualty of this way of getting things done!  However, I have been a victim of being associated with the wrong people...

The wrong people in that they didn't motivate or inspire me to do better, do more, go after whatever it was I wanted.  Those people who may have said, "I've got your back", but really couldn't wait until I turned my back so they could... well you know how that story ends!  Or even the ones that were dealing with their own set of challenges and issues; so tell me again how were they going to help me?  Not that it's all about ME, but there does come a time when you have to recognize people for who they are and the purpose they serve.  Not everyone has the same role in your life, just as you don't have the same role as others in theirs.

There was a time when I was so eager to please and try to make everyone happy.  Not that I think that's a bad thing!  It's just bad when it puts you in a position of doing something that is not good for you, or adversely affects what it is you're trying to do or accomplish.  It's okay to say no and there are times when it's absolutely necessary.

It is a heartbreaking thing to realize that someone that you care so much for and want to have in your life is just toxic.  I don't have to go into what I mean by that.  You can't seem to be a positive influence in their lives, nor are they one in yours.  You find yourself drained after an interaction with them and either feel like you need to seek counseling or just want to crawl into bed and not get up for a few days.  It may not be this way each time you're with them or speak with them, but more times than not, this is your story.  Although it may hurt, I honestly believe it will hurt worse in the end to stay in such a relationship.

I love that God has blessed me with people who inspire me daily, and who I know truly look out for my best interests.  You know the ones that after being around them for a moment have you recharged and ready to face whatever challenges and obstacles are around the corner.  I have a few such people in my life and it's funny, when I'm running low on fuel I know that I can call them up and they have me back to optimum working order.  The really interesting thing about this is they tell me that I do the same for them, and I honestly don't know how, but I'm awfully glad I do!

Oh my gosh, I hate to admit this, but I have my moments where I am simply not a pleasure to be around!  Yes, me!  I know that probably comes as a shock to many of you, but yes, I have my days where I'm not the nicest, friendliest, most positive person to be within one-hundred feet of!  There are only a limited few who get right down in the trenches with me and stay there until the darkness passes.  I would love to call them by name.  They know who they are!  I so appreciate all they give me, to bring me through, because each time I come out so much better than I was before.  These are the people who deserve my time and quite frankly have earned it.  Sometimes it's hard to see the forrest for the trees, but when you do it leaves a lasting impression that changes your perspective, your outlook, and your expectations of others that come into your life.
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Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

The Day After...

It's a tad bit late for a posting!  It's the day after Christmas and everyone is scattered about.  I went out for a brief moment just to see what there was to see in the way of great deals.  I found some, but as my luck would have it I found more that was not on sale!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!  I hope you enjoyed your day however you spent it; whether it was solo or with family and friends.  I am taking pleasure in a nice hot cup of tea, because baby it's cold outside!  My family is snowed in in Little Rock with no power!  I certainly hope that weather doesn't pay us a visit!  It usually does.  I totally hope we dodge this one.  I've got work to do at the show house that just can't wait!
Anyhoo, here are a few pics I took over the weekend and Christmas Eve that I'd like to share with you.  Over the next few days, leading up to New Years day, I will be posting quotes of inspiration and encouragement that will make us think and prepare us to greet and embrace all of the amazing things that the new year has in store!
Gillian and I on a girls shopping trip to Lenox Square.

The lead Buck in a lineup of wonderfully clever and creative Bucks!

I wish I'd gotten a better shot of all of the incredibly styled Bucks!  They were truly amazing!

Gillian and Christina posing beside the Zebra Buck!

I thought this Buck was the most dapper of them all!

Back view!  I'm loving the sweater!

The dining room looking into the living room.

 The Christmas tablesetting.

My dear, dear Pete cracking me up and making my stomach hurt with his dry wit and corny jokes!

Marissa in from UNC Chapel Hill.  She's a senior this year!  Seems like yesterday we were at her high school graduation!  Anyhoo, Noah and Gillian love it when she comes!  Yeah, he's not looking all that excited here, but he really is...
Okay, let me apologize for the thumbnail sized photos!  I thought I still had the images on my camera roll and NOT!  So, I had to go into Instagram and pull them.  Unfortunately, the image quality was diminished and there was really nothing that I knew to do to restore it.  Yes, I know, with my vast wealth of knowledge of Photoshop and I couldn't think of anything to do!  I must be slipping!  I just really wanted to share these with you!  I will do better in the future, I promise.  Feel free to follow me on Instagram at rhondaepeterson, of course!
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Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Merry Christmas!

While celebrating the day with family and friends, please remember the true reason for the season,  the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

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Senin, 24 Desember 2012

It's Time to Settle In, Count My Blessings and Enjoy My Lovelies!

Today started out great!  Pete and I didn't get moving until 10:30am or so, and when we did it was one laughing moment after another.  We weren't rushed to do anything and it was wonderful.  Once we finally got out, we just knew with it being Christmas Eve, we were going to be in traffic, in line at the stores, and just in utter frustration.  It was quite the opposite!  I don't know if it was because we were in such a great mood or because it was a very light and easy day, but we encountered only the loveliest of people, got some great last minute gifts at incredible prices, and totally enjoyed being out together (ALONE!  A very rare moment)!   I'm so glad it worked out this way because I love shopping on Christmas Eve and Pete doesn't care for shopping on any day!  He was a real trooper and really got into it by purchasing a few last minute gifts without any prodding from me!  If he felt pressured into going, he never let on for a second!
Now that we're back home, it's time to prepare for tomorrow. We'll wrap the last of the gifts, watch some of our favorite Christmas classics, and begin cooking! I love this part of the day when everyone is home, the house smells good from the food that's being prepared, and there's lot's of chatter, laughter, and well, the occassional argument between siblings! Hmmm, before I get started I think I will take a little nap!  We all know it is going to be a long night!
I hope you all have the most AMAZING holiday with your family and loved ones!
Image and Quote via my Pinterest boards

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Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

Organizing a Stress Free Party by Preparing Easy To Cook Recipes from Your Food Storage


It is common for most of us to create a grocery list of items to buy when we are planning a party at home. Most of our pantries simply do not have all the ingredients needed to make a couple of dishes that could feed all of the guests. However, if you must organize a party using the food you have from your food storage, here are a few tips on how to pull it off.

Choose Simple Recipes

There are hundreds of simple holiday and party recipes you can whip up using preserved or canned ingredients. From canned beans to frozen turkey, you can create an easy Christmas dinner from supplies you have on hand. Your creativity may be tested if your ingredients do not match the recipe requirements perfectly, but you can easily find substitutes among the ingredients you already have in storage. Recipes with 4 to 5 ingredients are always best, and choose those that can work with canned or preserved ingredients.

Choosing What to Include in Food Storage

An important element when it comes to have all you need for a party even if you are drawing from stored food reserves are the choice of food that you have in store. Plenty of canned ingredients, as well as frozen meats are always first options. You can get your fill of sugars by canning overripe fruits using sugar or natural honey. Sugar and honey are natural preservatives, and the principles of making fruit jams are very basic and very easy to learn. Packaged pie crusts, taco shells, and dumpling wraps which can be frozen are readily available as well, and will be perfect compliments to a holiday dinner with friends and family.

Advantages of Having the Right Food Storage Plans

Having the right storage plans for your food is very important if you have to have ample supply within easy access at home. This even makes party planning even more easier since you have eliminated the need to go shopping. However, food spoils easily, so make sure to use food containers are designed for long-term storage. Choose reusable plastic containers marked with 'PP' or 'LDPE', which means that the plastic will not leach chemicals into the food. Check for adequate sealing around the rim for plastic and glass containers to ensure that the container is airtight, especially if you are planning to store food for months. Also, avoid heating the food directly on the plastic container since this could leach more chemicals into the food as well.

Make it AMAZING!

About the Guest Author
Agnes Jimenez is a professional blogger and writer. She writes for many online establishments and supports those ones that offer practical lifestyles to consumers.  As a frugal living and emergency preparedness advocate, she recommends for budget conscious individuals who are looking for easy food storage plan ideas.  You may connect with Food Insurance in Facebook.

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Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Comfort and Joy with a Couple of Stories To Boot!

So I'm watching Million Dollar Decorator's last night, (I DVR'd the series), and it's about Martyn Lawrence Bullard, Mary McDonald, and Kathryn Ireland's participation in the Greystone Mansion Show House featured in Luxe Magazine.  Everyone who really knows me, knows that I totally get a kick out of Mary McDonald!  She is a hoot!  During the first season, after the episode aired where she designed a zig zag floor for her client Jill, Jill requests that Mary pay an immediate visit to her home to see the floor.  Mary walks in and exclaims, "I love it"!  Jill dryly said, "I don't".  Well, Gillian and I would go back and forth with this exchange and also threw in when Mary said, in reference to another client, "Clients don't know what they want.  I know what they want"!  I sent Mary a message on Facebook telling her how Gillian, six years old at the time, and I would imitate her and had a blast doing it; she replied by telling me, "I'm not so sure a six year old should be watching me"!  She went on to say a few other things that were totally hilarious, and I loved it!  Sadly, she was kinda right! LOL!!!
Anyhoo, I was blown over when I saw that she was doing the grand hallway in the mansion!  Needless to say I was glued to this episode to see if what they were going through was reflective of what I am going through now...and yes!  Thank goodness it's not just me feeling a wee bit stressed by this whole process!  At the end of the episode when Mary warns not to do a hallway,'re a bit too late with that piece of advice Mare!
The holidays can be pretty stressful.  When my kids were younger; yes, I know they are only twelve and seven, but when they were much younger, I would almost obsess over making a perfect holiday season for them, beginning with Thanksgiving.  I would do many of the things that my parents would do with my brother and I while growing up.  Those memories are some I will treasure for the rest of my life!  A friend of mine and I were talking about how we would wake Christmas morning and already have certain toys already put together and ready for us to enjoy!  I'll never forget when my brother got a train set and my dad spent the night mounting it to a big piece of plywood and placed it on casters to make it easy for him to roll under his bed when he was done playing with it.  That same Christmas, I was for some reason, into wanting to be a secretary or something?  Hmmm, doesn't sound quite like me but let's just go with; I had an L-shaped corner desk already set up with a typewriter, Bugs Bunny pencil sharpener, and Bugs Bunny task lamp styled nicely for my enjoyment!  So, this is what Pete and I did for Noah and Gillian.  They're older now, not to mention times have totally changed and we don't get to do this anymore... 
The wonderful thing now is they love being together as a family and doing things!  I'm so glad Noah is still very much a family guy.  I hope he stays this way.  Gillian, well she's a bit dramatic, but this kid loves to give.  I have not taken them shopping yet; yes, I know time is ticking!  I actually love the energy of last minute shopping.  I know, sounds a little crazy, but what can I say!  I digress, Gillian has written everyone in the family letters and placed them under the Christmas tree.  I have to share this!  In her letter to Santa, she immediately begins it by apologizing for being bad and explaining to him that she just can't help it!  She also ends it with what she wants for Christmas!  She wasn't gonna let that slip by!  Afterall, the whole confession part of the letter was calculated, don't you think?  My mom asked her if she'd been good, and she told her quite simply, no!  Hey, at least my kid is honest!
I actually like to prepare holiday meals!  These are pretty much the only meals I get excited about cooking.  Don't get me wrong, I cook and sometimes actually enjoy it depending on the day, mostly my mood, or the occassion!  I'm not much of a baker, though.  I wish I were.  Maybe one day when I grow up!  Maybe, just maybe (far away, longing look in my eyes).  Until then I'll just enjoy the goodies that my friends bake for me, as well as the ones I can pop into shops and bakeries and purchase!
I'm sure many of you can relate to needing a nice little something, something at the end of the day; hmmm, or maybe during the day to assist in bringing you down a couple of notches and helping you shake off the dust of the day!  I don't think there is anything wrong with that!  My fav thing to do though, is to curl up on a cold day in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate, some scrumptuous pastry, and my faux fur throw!  This time of year, I love to go into the room where the Christmas tree is and just sit there and admire the beauty of the lights and the sparkly refection of the ornaments.  For some reason, it calms me, centers me, and reminds me that my life truly is amazing and I am more than blessed to have the family, friends, colleagues, aquaintances, etc., etc.  Everyone that crosses my path has a reason for doing so, and I am very humbled and grateful for them.
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Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

A Show House Update...

Okay, so as some of you may remember, back on November 12th, I shared with you my presentation that I submitted for the 2013 Cathedral Antiques Show Inspiration House titled A Show House Presentation.  Well, to bring you all current, if you have not read that fantastic posting, I proposed for a hallway on the lower level of the home where the Cathedral Counseling Center has offices.  What began as one portion of the hallway has now turned into the entire lower level hallway plus the entry!  You will definitely have to go back to read the earlier posting I did to really appreciate how this story will end!
Main Hallway (before)
I have been working pretty closely with Rick Anthony Bonner, who is one of the Co-chairs of the Inspiration House with Cindra Brown, and also one of the featured designers in the Inspiration House, keeping him abreast of my plans for the additional space.  Floor and Decor (Southlake; Morrow, Georgia), so generously donated flooring for my area, and Rick, Cindra, and I were all totally excited!  Rick, Jacqueline Glover, and I met with Virginia Pansing Plummer, the director of the Cathedral Counseling Center, to talk about my plans for the centers hallway, and for me to learn more about what the center does and how it operates.  Let me tell ya, Ginny (Virginia) is very passionate about what the center offers and it showed in her excitement and delivery of the information!  She was a little fireball!  "Nothing great was achieved without enthusiam"--Unknown.
Main Hallway (during flooring installation)
It was after that meeting that I met with the general manager of Floor & Decor, Tony Toomer, and Jackie (Jacqueline) to discuss the possibility of a larger donation for the lower level, when they decided to become a corporate sponsor of the Inspiration House!  I was thrilled!  After listening to Ginny speak just one day earlier about the center and the types of counseling that is offered, I was so excited to be able to assist her and the center in anyway that I could to make it a more warm and inviting place for the counselors and their clients!
View leading to the Entry Hallway (Before)
I've minced no words about my faith and belief in God here on my blog, so if you don't feel like reading more of how God works, then you may want to stop reading right now!  Still with me?  Okay, that makes me happy!  Things are beginning to be revealed!  I didn't, of my thought and decision making, submit for this space!  As I said in that earlier posting, I was led by the Spirit to propose for this space.  Although, I will say, then I thought for completely different reasons!  Please go to that posting to refresh your memory or get brought up to speed because I'm telling a very important story here and I don't want to lose those of you who are still with me! 
View of the Entry Hallway (during flooring installation)
I am now seeing that God had a much bigger plan in mind when I proposed for this space.  Who could have known, but Him, that I would end up doing all of the transitional spaces and the entry?  Who could have known that I would find such amazing people to work with and who were just as excited about my vision for the space, but Him?  Wait a minute, did I just give myself credit for my vision?  Surely not!  It was truly divine inspiration.  The finishes, the flooring, the entire concept was God using me to assist Ginny and the Cathedral Counseling Center in creating a place where healing can begin.  Where peace of mind can be had.  Where people, no matter what their need or whatever it is they are dealing with, can receive the counseling they need in order to have a better sense of well-being.  Design isn't just about making things "pretty"!  It goes so much deeper than that, and I am so glad that I walk in the spirit and obedient to what He tells me to do, because this is as much for me as it is for the counseling center!  How?
Back Hallway (Before)
In a posting that I did in mid October, It's Good to Let go of the Plan and be Lead from Within, I talked about how I was lead to stop at the track on my way home from dropping my son off at school, and what that did for my spirit.  Anyhoo, I shared this with someone whom I'd mentioned somewhat tricked me into proposing for a space in the house; I told them, one of the most important things this experience has shown me was that I really underestimate myself.  I don't give myself enough credit.  For some reason, I don't trust myself to do all the things that God has equipped me to do.  It also came to my attention since being involved in the Inspiration House, I've not ever really stepped out on faith!  Sure, I know that God is capable of making all things possible, but for some reason I still thought I needed to assist him.  Can I just tell you how I truly didn't know how all of this was going to get done, and yet, here I am.
A little peek of new flooring installation (Entry Hallway & some of main Hallway; view from the stone room)
Back to the counseling center!  We are living in a time where someone we know, even ourselves, at one point or another have needed or need someone to talk to.  We have very real challenges and obstacles that we are facing, and reaching out for assistance on how to navigate and cope with those challenges is a courageous and smart thing to do.  There should never be any shame or embarrassment attached to admitting that you just cannot do it alone and you need help.  We, as a community, as a nation, and as world need to realize that we all want basically the same things and reach out to one another to figure out how best to accomplish them.  The counseling center provides services for all who need them regardless of what community you live in.  They assist with challenges such as *Couple and Family Conflict; *Depression; *Addiction; *Anxiety and Stress; *Questions of Faith, Spirituality & Values; *Trauma and Abuse; *Loss and Grief; *Personal Growth and Transition; *Parenting challenging children; *Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents; *HIV/AIDS and othe illnesses.
Peek of flooring installation (Main Hallway and Back Hallway; view from one of the offices)
I know this was a pretty long posting for me, but it was one that was placed on my heart to do.  For those of you who hung in there to the end, thank you!  I do hope that you will spread the word about the Cathedral Counseling Center and the wonderful work the counselors there do, as well as come out and show your support for the 2013 Cathedral Antiques Show and Inspiration House.  This year the proceeds will benefit Refugee Family Services, a community-based organization that has met the needs of the metro Atlanta refugee community for over 20 years.
Make it AMAZING!
*I will be featuring pictures as progress continues, as well as the wonderful people that are making all of this possible.  This is truly a team effort and one that I could not do without each and every one of them!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!
*Special Thanks to Corporate Sponsor Floor & Decor (Southlake; Morrow, Georgia) and Escobedo Painting and Flooring! 
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