Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Dining Perfection

There's nothing like dining in a room that you love and makes you feel good to be in.  I don't know about you, but I love sitting in my dining room, enjoying my family and friends.  When the room is beautiful and the company is great, the food doesn't matter as much!  Thank goodness!
I love the mirror and the beautiful reflection of the chandelier in it!
What an incrdible table!  Does anyone think the chandelier would look better lower?  Okay, maybe it's just me!  Obviously I'm loving the moody canvas and the mirror leaning casually on the floor.
I have a client that will be all over the upholstery of the chairs and banquette!  It's all very luxe with all of the pillows stacked about, but then it doesn't take itself too seriously surrounding the modestly sized table with black lacquered cabriole legs.  But watch out, because the lighting fixture is nothing to be toyed with!
I totally love the width of this table!  The chairs seem to have a severe pitch.  Hmm, maybe it's because they have a slim, delicate frame?  Whatever, I truly love this space!
Classic traditional.  From the lovely draperies, to the chandelier and the table and chairs; this is where tradition dines.
Make it AMAZING!

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