Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Comfort and Joy with a Couple of Stories To Boot!

So I'm watching Million Dollar Decorator's last night, (I DVR'd the series), and it's about Martyn Lawrence Bullard, Mary McDonald, and Kathryn Ireland's participation in the Greystone Mansion Show House featured in Luxe Magazine.  Everyone who really knows me, knows that I totally get a kick out of Mary McDonald!  She is a hoot!  During the first season, after the episode aired where she designed a zig zag floor for her client Jill, Jill requests that Mary pay an immediate visit to her home to see the floor.  Mary walks in and exclaims, "I love it"!  Jill dryly said, "I don't".  Well, Gillian and I would go back and forth with this exchange and also threw in when Mary said, in reference to another client, "Clients don't know what they want.  I know what they want"!  I sent Mary a message on Facebook telling her how Gillian, six years old at the time, and I would imitate her and had a blast doing it; she replied by telling me, "I'm not so sure a six year old should be watching me"!  She went on to say a few other things that were totally hilarious, and I loved it!  Sadly, she was kinda right! LOL!!!
Anyhoo, I was blown over when I saw that she was doing the grand hallway in the mansion!  Needless to say I was glued to this episode to see if what they were going through was reflective of what I am going through now...and yes!  Thank goodness it's not just me feeling a wee bit stressed by this whole process!  At the end of the episode when Mary warns not to do a hallway, hmmm...you're a bit too late with that piece of advice Mare!
The holidays can be pretty stressful.  When my kids were younger; yes, I know they are only twelve and seven, but when they were much younger, I would almost obsess over making a perfect holiday season for them, beginning with Thanksgiving.  I would do many of the things that my parents would do with my brother and I while growing up.  Those memories are some I will treasure for the rest of my life!  A friend of mine and I were talking about how we would wake Christmas morning and already have certain toys already put together and ready for us to enjoy!  I'll never forget when my brother got a train set and my dad spent the night mounting it to a big piece of plywood and placed it on casters to make it easy for him to roll under his bed when he was done playing with it.  That same Christmas, I was for some reason, into wanting to be a secretary or something?  Hmmm, doesn't sound quite like me but let's just go with; I had an L-shaped corner desk already set up with a typewriter, Bugs Bunny pencil sharpener, and Bugs Bunny task lamp styled nicely for my enjoyment!  So, this is what Pete and I did for Noah and Gillian.  They're older now, not to mention times have totally changed and we don't get to do this anymore... 
The wonderful thing now is they love being together as a family and doing things!  I'm so glad Noah is still very much a family guy.  I hope he stays this way.  Gillian, well she's a bit dramatic, but this kid loves to give.  I have not taken them shopping yet; yes, I know time is ticking!  I actually love the energy of last minute shopping.  I know, sounds a little crazy, but what can I say!  I digress, Gillian has written everyone in the family letters and placed them under the Christmas tree.  I have to share this!  In her letter to Santa, she immediately begins it by apologizing for being bad and explaining to him that she just can't help it!  She also ends it with what she wants for Christmas!  She wasn't gonna let that slip by!  Afterall, the whole confession part of the letter was calculated, don't you think?  My mom asked her if she'd been good, and she told her quite simply, no!  Hey, at least my kid is honest!
I actually like to prepare holiday meals!  These are pretty much the only meals I get excited about cooking.  Don't get me wrong, I cook and sometimes actually enjoy it depending on the day, mostly my mood, or the occassion!  I'm not much of a baker, though.  I wish I were.  Maybe one day when I grow up!  Maybe, just maybe (far away, longing look in my eyes).  Until then I'll just enjoy the goodies that my friends bake for me, as well as the ones I can pop into shops and bakeries and purchase!
I'm sure many of you can relate to needing a nice little something, something at the end of the day; hmmm, or maybe during the day to assist in bringing you down a couple of notches and helping you shake off the dust of the day!  I don't think there is anything wrong with that!  My fav thing to do though, is to curl up on a cold day in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate, some scrumptuous pastry, and my faux fur throw!  This time of year, I love to go into the room where the Christmas tree is and just sit there and admire the beauty of the lights and the sparkly refection of the ornaments.  For some reason, it calms me, centers me, and reminds me that my life truly is amazing and I am more than blessed to have the family, friends, colleagues, aquaintances, etc., etc.  Everyone that crosses my path has a reason for doing so, and I am very humbled and grateful for them.
Make it AMAZING!

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