Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Monday's Office: A Wall of Inspiration

I hope you all had a terrific weekend!  Most of my Saturday was taken up by work, but it's okay because it had to do with a project that I'm totally stoked about and anxious to begin work on!  Sunday was spent doing laundry, decorating the Christmas tree, and preparing dinner.  You know, domestic type stuff!  I know at least two of my friends who will find that comical!  They don't really view me as the domestic type!  Ha!  Shame on them!
Having a space carved out in your office, wherever it may be, to hang inspirational photos, quotes, objects; whatever the case may be, is totally worth having and worth the work to put together.  I know for me, I spend a great deal of time on the computer browsing different sites sourcing for projects and just trying to keep up with what's going on, until it is refreshing and nice to be able to glance away from the computer screen at a wall of images, etc. that inspire, energize, and motivate me to complete the tasks at hand.
You may want to have a selection of your favorite books or magazines handy, a pretty vase of flowers, something lovely and colorful, anything that will give you a moment of rest and a bit of a reprieve from carrying out your duties.  Oooh, it could be really cool art or black and white photography that speaks to your soul and resonates with you on a level that gives the refreshening of taking a brisk walk in the cold winter air.  Did I really just go there?  Yeah, I did didn't I!  I just want you to open your mind to all of the possibilities that your work space can be with a zushing up!  Tasks are easier to accomplish when you have something right there nearby that can perk you up and give you the verve to persevere!
Pinned Image 
Make it AMAZING!
*Image [1]; Quotes [2]; [3]

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