Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Sorry, Just Not Feeling Well...

Here's the deal, and it is all my fault!  I grind my teeth at night while sleeping, (not my fault) and as a result I have two cracked teeth!  No, I don't sleep with a night guard, but I will be very soon, I can assure you!  One of the cracked teeth, I have had for close to two years and one was just recently discovered at my last cleaning in September.  Yes, of course, my dentist, God bless her heart, has tried, up to this point, unsuccessfully, to get me to crown them!  Well, now I am having excruciating pain in the most recent one and it has been determined that I need a root canal (this is my fault)!  This has prompted me to go ahead and get the older one crowned before it causes me pain and needs a root canal as well!  Unfortunately, the earliest I can get in to have the root canal done is March 1st!  The endodontist informed me that soon I will have no more pain because the nerve will die, but the root canal is necessary because the tooth will abscess if not removed.  I'm praying for the death of this nerve!  The pain meds that I am currently taking, only takes the edge off and only for an hour or two at best!  I truly want to pull my head off by grabbing my top row of teeth!  This way I can access, without obstruction, the tooth in question, yank it out, and pull the nerve(s) out myself!  Guys let me tell ya, the pain is so bad at times until my ear and my throat hurts!  I truly get why ear, nose, and throat doctors exist!

Anyhoo, please forgive me and hang in there with me if I should miss a day or two of posting!  Well, just until this nerve goes on to a better place!  I will definitely stop in and post when I'm not writhing in pain!

via google.com

Thanks for being interested in my sob story!  Until next time!

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