Rabu, 09 November 2011


I have two work spaces that I use in my home.  I enjoy them, really I do!  But there are those times when I feel less than inspired as I sit working, needing creativity to take over and lead the way!  So, I am now on a quest to surround my desk with elements that will inspire my creativity when I need it to, as well as help me to maintain focus to complete tasks; all while being very pretty and very organized!  Here are a few images that I found on my absolute favorite site Pinterest.com to get the juices flowing!

The simpicity of the desk is perfection.  Although there are no drawers, the console keeps the clutter organized behind closed doors.  What a wonderful idea to place lamps there as well.  Hmm, just need to be certain there is sufficient task lighting for the desk, though.  The use of color in the chair and ottoman is soft and not distracting.  A very pretty, calm work space, yes?

I am already seeing a trend with me!  The color white!  It's just so clean; striking, yet somehow minimal.  I love the contrast of the patterns in the rug and the chair cushion; not to mention the powder blue and black!

What a fantastic idea!  To do a wall of draperies!  Who cares if there's actually a window there!  How glam is that!  The wall collage is something that I could definitely utilize, as I have tons of images, fabrics, etc. that I can pin and reference in a glance.  Loving the different furniture styles as well!

The colors, patterns, and lighting elements in this space really work!  Black and white totally makes all other colors "pop" and have a significant role in the space!

I love the warmth that is created here with the traditional desk chair, rug, and sofa.  These elements really grounds the glass sawhorse desk.

I wonder if my daughter would mind if I took her Barbie prints like these and used them in my space?  Probably!  I typically wouldn't like facing a wall, however, this wall I wouldn't necessarily mind!  The addition of the molding and the colors used is definitely girly glam!

Can I tell you just how much I love this surface!!!  But, where would I actually work?  This would have to be maybe the desk that is in front of my window, while my actual work desk is to the right against the wall?  Not practical, but boy do I love it!!!

This would so inspire me!  I love being surrounded by lovely elements!
Well, I'm off to create that beautiful place where magic will happen!

Until next time my friends, xoxo,

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