Senin, 14 November 2011


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These images express the mood I'm in right now; pretty, delicate, feminine, and reflective.  There are times when it's just nice to be still in a space that has elements that are lovely to gaze upon and let my mind wander.  It doesn't take much to create, but it does so much for the spirit.


Ahh, such refined glamour, poise, and beauty.  Makes me wish for a time I never knew, but have a spirit for.  A time where it meant something to look and behave like a lady.

Rue Magazine (July/August 2011).  Design by Agnes Verrier. Photographed by Scott Woodward.
Rue Magazine (Jul/Aug, 2011)

I would feel very pretty sitting at this dressing table.  I adore the forms to keep necklaces organized and in plain view as displays.  The mirrored glass desk/vanity, glass lamps, and ottoman work perfectly together.

Finally, a use for grandma's teacups.

What a lovely idea!  I have collected so many teacups and saucers from Anthropologie, flea markets, and antique markets that are literally sitting in boxes waiting to be used!  They will now have a new home in my vanity drawer to hold all of my small jewelry, buttons, and things that tend to get sucked into the vacuum!  Aha!!!

Have a wonderful day!
Hugs and perfect kisses!

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