Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

A DIY Project: Pickle Jars, Burlap, and Twigs

Okay, so last weekend the kids and I began our Fall decorating.  I've been saving pickle and olive jars for the last few weeks to use for school projects (there's always something going on), arts and crafts, and just basic organization of crayons, markers, yada, yada, yada.  Anyhoo, I thought maybe I would just place tealights and votives in the jars and randomly scatter them around the house; mainly in the foyer, hallway, and loft. 
I'd remembered I had some burlap left over from a table covering that I'd made a while back and decided I would use it to cover the jars.  I didn't want to use glue because I may want to reuse the fabric for something else and I only had a little bit of double stick tape; so my mind went to the spools and spools of ribbon that I've accummulated over the years.  But then I thought to myself; no, no, no use the Hermes or Louis Vuitton ribbon that you have.  Hermes looked better as the LV ribbon was much too wide.
I already had birch twigs from years ago that I purchased at Pottery Barn for little to nothing at the end of the season.  Always the best time to buy!  Whenever we're in Little Rock during the Fall and Winter, the kids and I go out into my parents yard and load up on pine cones, acorns, fallen leaves, and branches.  The center canister is just the glass from one of my hurricanes.  I placed a simple pillar candle inside and when it is lit, it has the coolest glow!  Needless to say, it is lit every evening.
The leaf garland is from Hobby Lobby.  Again, on sale!  I know some of you would rather make your own garland from real natural elements, but obviously not me!  I don't particularly care for silk flowers, but they do have their uses.  Real florals and botanicals are ALWAYS best!  They can be pretty costly if you're changing them out frequently, but so are some silks! 
The decorating will continue this weekend as well!  I know that sometimes the idea of decorating can seem a bit too much and can kinda be a little overwhelming, but do a little bit at a time and maybe keep them contained to a particular area.  This will make clean up go much quicker and easier!
*I used the Pixlromatic app for these images. I enjoy using this app because it has several filters and frames that you can use to enhance your photos. Image 1: Greg filter with the Clean frame.
Image 2: Samantha filter with the Rustic frame. Image 3: Hagrid filter with the Dirt frame.
Make it AMAZING!

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