Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Home Offices That Inspire + One More

Over the weekend I had the privilege of speaking on a panel of six women business owners at the Women's Entrepreneur Roundtable, hosted by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., the Tau Epsilon Omega Chapter.  The events' focus was to share information and insights that are vital and most helpful in charting your course as an entrepreneur in today's economy.  Those in attendance were apart of a "real talk" conversation that was intended to not only encourage entrepreneurship, but also give a very real perspective on the time, discipline, and challenges that come with such an undertaking.
The panel was moderated by Terrell Dinkins, Entrepreneur and Financial Advisor.  The other five panelists were Chelse Moore, Georgia Licensed Speech & Language Pathologist; Deborah A. Stewart, Attorney; Robbie Hampton, CPA, MBA; Sherane Heron, Owner of Sherane's Vintage Closet; and Valaurie Bridges Lee, CEO VB Consulting.  The panel was made up of a very diverse group of women with different experiences, but shared challenges in owning and operating their businesses.  You wouldn't think that an Accountant would have that much in common with an Interior Decorator/Blogger, but the similarities in how their cores businesses are run are striking!  This is what made the panel so impactful.  Although having very different businesses, their shared personal experiences in starting, establishing, and maintaining their businesses were very much in the same vein.
I love this quote!  Nothing that you want to do or dream of doing should scare you into paralysis, but propel you into action.  The prudent person will do their research and be guided by their findings.  They will seek out those of similar interests and begin to build their Board of Advisors (Valaurie Bridges Lee).  Those who work in that particular industry, have their own business, and/or know you well enough to be able to encourage and support and give much needed criticism when needed can be a great resource to have.  It is no secret that my dad is my business mentor and the director on my Board of Advisors.  He's a CPA and has steered my core business decisions as it relates to starting my business, implementing business systems, and maintaining sound business practices.  As it relates to interior design, Tobi Fairley, although she doesn't know this, is my mentor.  She and I have met and spoken on a couple of occassions, however it is through her blog and social media sites that I am able to glean so much from her and the amazing way she has grown her business by leveraging different aspects and opportunities.  I have a few others in the design industry that I follow as well, for very different reasons.  I also have a cheer squad that seem to instinctively know when to call and give me that swift kick that I sometimes need to get my butt in gear!
It is always wise to recognize that people come in and out of our lives for different reasons.  They aren't all meant to stay for the journey.  As my "Red Bull" Connie Dixon says, "They may be for you, but aren't meant to walk with you"!  I Call her my Red Bull because as their slogan says, "Red Bull gives you wings", and that is what she does for me!  Take what they have to offer, while being very appreciative and grateful knowing that their impact may not be seen immediately but in time will.  I can name a few of these wonderful people right now.  One of which I need to call as soon as I complete this posting, to just let them know how much I appreciate the impact they made in my life and my business!
Make it AMAZING!

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