Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

It's Good To Let Go Of The Plan And Be Lead From Within

Yesterday when I sat to plan my day, I had already felt a sense of accomplishment because the tasks that I needed to complete would put me ahead for the week and obviously make my week easier.  Well, what do they say about the best laid plans?
On the way to drop my son off at school, something said "On your way home stop at the park and walk around the track".  I'm thinking, "Really?  I'm not dressed to go the track and further more, I've got a lot to get accomplished today.  I've got a plan, remember!"  Well, I did as I was lead to do; but in my mind I was only going to walk one mile and leave!
I begin to walk at a pretty brisk pace around the track.  I figure as long as I'm out here I may as well get a decent cardio workout in.  I wasn't going to attempt to jog--you do see the All Stars I'm wearing, right!  I've got my tunes in my ears; and oh, just so that you know, whenever I do go for a walk or a task that doesn't take much thought, I listen to Gospel music.  I always need to hear from Him and I knew I was at that track because He placed that in my spirit.
Something very exciting happened to me last week that I want to share with you; but I can't right now.  When I can, I will!  It is something that I didn't think I was remotely interested in doing.  To be quite honest with you, it scared the mess out of me to even think about it!
With the counsel and support of friends and family, I was able to wrap my head around it and go for it.  You know what, let me be real about this--I let their belief in me propel me forward.  I sometimes see things in my friends that they don't see; so I thought this maybe one of those times when I need to trust what they see in me and run with it.  It is no secret that I credit God for everything I am, I have, and will be...period.  This is where He is AMAZING-- He knew that He had to place these people in my life to get me to walk in all that I am, to get me to the place I needed to be for Him to show me all that he is and how much He loves me.  When we are inspired to do something in our lives, we already possess all that we need in order to accomplish it.  He just needs for us to take our eyes off of the challenges and obstacles and place them on Him so that He can make it happen.
I met another individual that has been awarded this same opportunity, and she commented "The haters are coming out"!  We laughed about it, because it was funny how she said it; but we both know it's the truth.  Now one would think, I would somewhat be accustomed to this, especially having modeled.  I mean, how much more catty can anyone be!  Believe it or not, I don't like to be the center of attention.  I don't seek it and I am just fine flying under the radar.  Really! 
I can't concern myself with what people will say or do as a result of my successes and failures.  I have to embrace all that I have been blessed with; own it and walk in it.  Sure, this sounds so simple and it is as long as it's praise and not criticism.  However to succumb to what will be said is to deny myself the chance to live my best life and experience God's goodness.  Yes, I'm sure I am going to have those moments of insecurity and doubt in my abilities.  I think that's only human!  I will commit to myself that those times will be brief and I will quickly get back to the work at hand, not holding back and making the most of all of my talents.
 On my drive leaving the park, I felt a sense of peace that I did not have prior to going to the park.  Oh don't get me wrong, it's not as though I was in turmoil!  I was just heavy in thought and by being lead by my spirit I am now in a place of knowing regardless to what it may look like or feel like, it is going to more than work out in my favor.  Why?  I showed myself obedient with something as simple as going to the track and not home to get started on my plan for the day.  God's grace is sufficient to get all things done in half the time!
I could see things a lot clearer and be able to take a rest in knowing that since this opportunity is nothing I'd ever considered doing, God is going to direct my path and lead me in the way that I should go.  That's not to say that it will come without a hiccup or two, but He's got it worked out and knows exactly what I need in order to quiet that hiccup.  As a friend reminded me last week, these are the occassions that God likes because when it's over, and since I believe in Him, I won't be able to give anyone the glory but Him and this will be my testimony to you.
Make it AMAZING!
By the way, I walked two miles instead of the planned one!
*Quotes via Pinterest

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