Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

Modern Romance: Bedroom Inspiration in Black On Black

I'm always looking for new and innovative ways to create inspiration boards for me and my clients.  One of the bigest reasons is because this is how I am able to sell my design concepts to the client.  I can talk to another creative and describe my vision for a space and nine times out of ten, they'll get it.  Most people can't get a feel for the direction that I may be trying to go in without some type of visual aid; and that is okay!  I mean, sometimes I even have to sketch out a thought to really understand where I'm trying to go with it.

Polyvore is a lot like Olioboard in concept.  It's used more by those in fashion; fashion bloggers, enthusiasts, etc.  Olioboard is more widely used by those interested in interior design, landscape design, and so on.  I look at some of the boards of some of these people and I am totally blown away!  They are so creative and detailed until I wonder exactly how much time did they spend doing it!  Did they knock it out in one sitting or was it something that they did over time?  Whichever the case, me being me, will carve out time to get better!  

Dark Romance: Inspirations in black on black

This board's inspiration comes from the dark and beguiling bedroom layered in black.  At first glance it's a bit wicked, don't you think?  Upon closer observation, one notices the curve of the bed's frame; the voluptuous bend of the bedside chest, the sway of the sinuous vines in the wallpaper, and the dark softness of the rug; all while being transported into a dream of intrigue, uncertainty, and romance.  I'm not a huge fan of red, however I do love it with black, gray, beige/tan, and white!  Allow me to be a bit more specific; black, white, red; gray, white, red; beige/tan, white, red!  I only like it in a splash here and there.  It's personal!

Make it AMAZING!

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