Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Sunday Special

There's something about a beautiful Sunday... I can't really place my finger on it, but it has a feel about it like no other day (for me).  There are scattered, puffy, white clouds against an icy blue sky that are moving by at a snails pace; which lets you know the wind isn't high.  Just being outside and gazing up, and enjoying the quietness of it all is at this point for me, indescribable.  Do you have those moments where you are able to quiet your mind, enjoy the silence, and be at ease with who you are and your place in the world?  I try to go to this magical place whenever I can.  It can be the dreariest of days, just listening to rain.  Have you ever really listened to the rain?  I think of it as God's lullaby, telling me to be still and take in all that He is.  Anyhoo, if you don't think you have time for moments like these (Daddy, hint hint), then you really don't know what you're missing...
The first thing that attracted me to this space was the window.  I thought to myself, how odd it was and I could totally imagine a homeowner not knowing where to begin when considering a window treatment! 
I would love to think that I would have thought of this; and I'm fairly certain after a little bit of time and sketches I would have!  The entire space is just so comfortable.  The light finishes of the floor, walls, furniture, and upholstery all come together to create such an elegant environment that doesn't take itself too seriously.
I think this space has feminine touches, but allows for a masculine sensibility through the rustic quality of the floor and the minimum linearity of the stairs.  I want this mirror!  The frame is gorgeous and is positioned just right, on a wall that gives the illusion of more depth and spaciousness.  It is so important for a mirror to reflect something lovely to look at!  The reflection in this mirror makes for a wonderful picture!
Is it just me, or can you too see how the ceiling beams adds so much character, balance, and interest?  The beams seem to have a rhythmic flow with the floor planks running in the same direction.  The lighter finish of the floor seems to make the room float a bit; while the darker ceiling grounds you and gives a sense of intimacy with an open and airy feel.  Hopefully that didn't just make sense to only me!
Allow me to give a little insight behind the making of this posting!  I follow a blog Inspired Design, written and edited by an amazing mother of two named Debbie!  I love reading her stories and getting her perspective on everything that inspires her.  Her blog is where I got the first image of that lovely room.  After uploading that image on Google image search, it revealed other places the image had been shown; but I chose to click on the link that belonged to Christina Colli, an artist, writer, and interior designer living in the UK.  She had a wonderful posting about a Lithuanian online magazine that I'd never heard of called Llamas Valley.  It was in this posting that Christina featured some of the images from the summer 2012 issue of the magazine.  Of course, I had to pop over there and take a look around; and let me tell you, it was filled with some of the most interesting and beautiful images!  I am now a subscriber to Christina's blog as well as Llamas Valley magazine!  All three that I've mentioned in this posting are definitely worth you visiting and subscribing to!
Make it AMAZING!
*Image credits:  [1] [2] [3]

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