Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Happy Valentines Day?

I'm not all that big on Valentine's day; never have been.  I am, however, a romantic.  Not in the sense that most would think.  You know, the mushy love stuff.  Ha! There's nothing wrong with that.  I just don't have to have it to have romantic notions.  I can romanticize just about anything.  I enjoy life's simple pleasures, whether with Pete, my children, or by myself.  Of course, it's always nice to be on the receiving end of their affection, and I am so glad they shower me just because!  So to them...Happy Valentine's Day! 
 Isn't this camellia beautiful?  Look at how delicate the petals appear and yet they withstand the rigors of growth, weather, the elements, and being handled by those who want to enjoy their beauty in a vase.  Youth and beauty is usually compared to that of a flower.  I get it.  Take nothing for granted.  Enjoy all the things the days will bring.
 It would be such a pity to cut into this cake, but how else could you enjoy just how delicious it is?  It wasn't made to just be pretty.  It was made to be enjoyed by all of your senses.  Our lives are no different.  What a pity it would be to have the ability to decide what kind of day we're going to have, who we're going to spend our time with, and what we're going to do, only to choose to do nothing at all.  Wow!  Really?
 I love the length and color of this belted skirt paired, with the classic white button down.  So feminine with a casual easiness.  It always makes me smile to see women who are comfortable in their skin, because no matter what they are wearing, they are wearing it; it's not wearing them.  What you're wearing doesn't matter as much as how you're wearing it.
As a nineth grader in Etoyle Mouser's English Literature class, I loved all of the writings of Elizabeth Barret Browning.  Did I understand all that she had written?  Of course not.  Did it matter that I didn't?  I don't think so.  It was more about how her poems made me feel than about my understanding.  I am a very analytical person.  I've been criticized by a few for being so much so.  I am also a very feeling person, in that it matters more to me the experience of the moments than it does the moments themselves.  Simply put, if I want the experience of enjoying a cup of coffee, I'm probably going to drive pass five Starbucks to get to that one Illy coffee shop where I can have a nice porcelain cup with a pastry on a nice porcelain plate.  Now don't get me wrong, I too enjoy Starbucks, but there are times when it means more to me to have the "experience" than the coffee itself.
No matter what this day finds you doing, whether with the love of your life or in the company of yourself, enjoy the moments of being.  Being able to wake up this morning and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.  It does surround you, you just have to open your eyes to see it.
Make it AMAZING!
*Images via my Pinterest boards

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