Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

The Way We Live Today

We no longer worry so much about how this looks, or how that looks, or even if this is going to match. We live with the things that speak to us and the things that we love. We fill our homes with finds from our travels, items from years past, things that we may have inherited or were given to us by friends and family that have value; sentimental or monetary, it doesn't matter.
We've embraced who we are and by doing so have given ourselves permission to be different in our decorations; knowing that it is okay to have that weird, knarled piece of wood lying randomly on the table.  It is okay to pin unframed pictures to the wall to make an off beat statement that probably only we will understand, like, and appreciate.  It's okay if no one gets it.  It's okay if no one likes it.  We do and that's enough.
We want to be surrounded by those things that have a story behind them. They don't have to be old to have a story. They can be things that were made in China yesterday, that were bought while out just browsing with a loved one. It really matters not.  The point is we have gotten to a place in our lives where we want things of meaning and to have meaningful experiences. This is what having a collected home means.
We're not just making room for collected treasures, but collecting moments to treasure.  We're creating environments that excites the child within us, relaxes our minds, and speaks to our souls.  We're showing ourselves, becoming more and more transparent to those who are fortunate enough to be invited through our doors.  When we welcome our friends and family, colleagues and peers into our homes we're giving them an intimate tour of the place where our most personal and private moments happen.  Not to be taken lightly, nor taken for granted.
We are not in a hurry to fill our homes with things just so that there won't be any empty spaces. We're okay with the empty spaces, knowing that the perfect piece will come. We now understand the importance of taking our time and making the most of everything. We're not so quick to throw away things that we once thought no longer suited a particular need or looked a certain way. We will repurpose. We will repaint.  We will tear down, build, and transform.  We will do what we need to do in order to make it fit the way we live today.
Make it AMAZING!
*Images via my Pinterest boards

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