Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

It's Electric...Nuggets Of Blue And Dollops Of Green!

May I speak candidly?  When I begin most of my postings, I usually don't have a clue as to what I'm going to blog about!  I'll open up Power Point so I can place images that interest me and before I know it, I have a common theme going!  It is sometimes a certain style, room, color, or various elements, but it's always consistent.  Funny how that happens!  I tell my clients to not be afraid of buying things they love or are strangely attracted to, for fear they won't "go together" because they will!  Your eye and heart are usually going to gravitate to things that have a consistent "something".  From that point, it's all a matter of arrangement.  It becomes like a puzzle and trying different pieces until you find just the right fit and combination.

This week is flying by!  Whew!  Until next time,

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