Kamis, 26 April 2012

Lenny Kravitz, Interior Designer

Good morning my friends!  I hope today holds everything you could ever want or dream!  Now, on to the business at hand!  Am I the last to know?  Why didn't someone tell me?  Well, actually someone did!  Having lunch with my best friends the other day, we are talking about The Hunger Games, when he mentions that Lenny Kravitz is an interior designer!  What?  Could this be true?  So, of course, I had to investigate!  I had no idea Lenny Kravitz founded an interior design firm in 2003 where he has a very talented team of designers that have worked on many desirable projects! Surprise! Surprise! He has a very modern, glamorous, sophisticated, and edgy design aesthetic that is honestly, what I would expect from such a hot and undeniably sexy rock icon who is able to hold the attention of many on stage, onscreen, and off!

In his latest movie endeavor, The Hunger Games, he plays the stylist, Cinna to Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence). I was also surprised to discover he is 47 years old! Are you kidding me! Really? There is only one man that I know, about the same age; actually one year older, that rivals his good looks! Yes my friends, and he shall remain nameless! Although, my last name is a big clue!

Mr. Kravitz, the pleasure is all mine!

Make it an incredible day!

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