Jumat, 07 September 2012

Social Media: FOMO or No Mo!

Another late day posting!  My apologies again and thank you for being so patient and understanding! :)  So, I have been reading a few articles here as of late about people who are somewhat addicted to the most popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest; who have a Fear Of Missing Out!  They are constantly checking status updates, reading tweets, and seeing who has pinned what.  Hmmm, sounds like bit of a problem to me! 
I've been getting quite a few Pinterest group board invitations and decided to go ahead and join four.  One of them is really cool, named Fashion Details.  I'm thinking of deleting this board and possibly just following!  Why?  Because for some strange reason, Pinterest thinks I want to know every single time someone pins a new pin; and this board gets dozens daily!  It has close to 10,000 pins and counting!  Really?  I just don't care like that!  I have already been experiencing a little social media burnout and truly have not been engaging at all on Facebook and Twitter outside of posting my latest blog postings.  And even when I do that, I have nothing to add!  Right now, I am totally feeling like no mo(re) social media!  I know this won't last for long, but I am really in a social media rut!
I would like to close with this little bit... I know that everyone who owns a business is looking at social media as a way to increase their exposure, thereby hopefully making more money.  With that said, we are posting little tidbits of information that enhances our expertise and credibility.  Makes sense right?  Sure it does!  This is where I get a little irritated...I'm not seeing much in the way of getting to know the person (there are exceptions, always).  No, no, no, not really personally, but in a way that let's me know if I want to do business with you, buy your product, or work with you.  A client of mine made a really good observation.  They said it is not necessarily the service or the product that grabs them as much as it is the person.  Social media is just that, social!  Genuinely get to know those you follow and let those who follow you, get to know you as well!  Because when the rubber meets the road, you and who you are, is your best marketing tool as it relates to social media!
...And by the way, if you have a lot to say, Facebook and Twitter aren't really the sites to do it!  Start a blog!  I can't think of a better way to get your story out there and really give people a better glimpse into who you are.  It's your story and no one can tell it better than you!
Make it AMAZING!

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