Kamis, 13 September 2012

The Complexity of "The Words" with Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana

I cannot say enough about how much I enjoyed The Words!  Bradley Cooper, in my opinion, can do no wrong, and maybe that's why I found the movie to be wonderful!  Meanwhile, the friend that accompanied me to the movie, sat through it asking questions, sighing heavily, and rolling her eyes because she felt, what many of the critics felt...bored and confused!  The Words has such a wonderful cast which includes Zoe Saldana, Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde, and Zeljko Ivanek. 
Even though I write this blog, I still don't consider myself a "writer".  I don't know, when I think of a writer, I think of someone that has a magical way of transporting the reader to a particular place, in a particular time, and experiencing the story in the most vivid and palpable way.  The writer forces the reader to become the characters; to think how they think, feel how they feel, and see how they see.  This is what I love about the power of words!  They can build up, tear down, cut like a sword, and heal like medicine.  Isn't that amazing?  That's exactly how I walked out of the theater, thinking life is amazing and I am so glad that I am able to live it, experience it, and be in the moment to appreciate all that it offers!  Was this feeling of euphoria because of the content of the movie or because I saw what I wanted to see in the movie?  Hmmm...
I saw the plight and anguish of Rory Jansen (Bradley Cooper), an aspiring writer who struggles with composing a story that publishers can embrace, feeling confident that the buying public will understand and read.  After traveling to Paris on his honeymoon with Dora (Zoe Saldano), she purchases for him a briefcase that he later finds contains a typed manuscript that was written a number of years ago about a young man in the service.  He reads the manuscript and was utterly taken by the words of this young serviceman.  Well, as the movie continues, the manuscript is published as Rory's own and there ensues the moral dilemma of which the movie is centered around.  To read more about The Words click here.  To read critical reviews click here and here.  In the end, was the movie a bit scattered and not nicely wrapped into a neat ending that most can feel good about...um, yeah, that's pretty accurate!  However, if you can follow the journey of the characters and be transported by their story, Rory in particular, I feel that matters more than the actual destination. 
If you've read my blog for any length of time, you have come to see that I think everything is what you make of it and how you want to experience it.  Sure, there are those things that make you see and feel them in the way they are intended, but then there are others that are not so convincing; hence the power of words!
Make it AMAZING!

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