Kamis, 20 September 2012

Today's Office: Rustic And Modern

One very cold and dreary weekend back in winter, a designer friend of mine Tavia, my assistant (and 7 year old daughter) Gillian, and I set out to find wonderful treasure at the Scott Antiques Market that's held every second weekend here in Atlanta.  It seemed that everywhere we turned we saw antlers of every size and variety.  I'm not much of an antler or taxidermy kinda gal, but I will tell you, I was really consumed by these very interesting elements and wondered what project and what purpose could I use these! 
Well, here ya go folks!  Isn't it lovely?  Yes lovely!  Although the library table, Louis XIV chair, layered cowhide rugs, and of course vintage European antlers make this office very rustic; the curved iron legs holding the table top, the finish of the frames, and the delicate modern lamp make for a simply lovely, rustic and modern office!  My hat goes off to designer Betsy Brown for creating such a beautiful place to work.  Who says antlers are so yesterday?
Make it AMAZING!

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