Senin, 01 April 2013

Happy April! Monday's Office

Ah's so lovely to see you again.  I am so excited to see what you have in store for me this month!  My calendar is filling up quite fast with things to do and get accomplished.  I promise while working diligently tending to those things I will not forsake the joy and beauty you will bring.  I will practice patience.  I will remain steadfast in my efforts to live a balanced, healthy life.  I will give more time to the people and things that are so deserving, not taking for granted all they do to keep me grounded, focused, and loved.  Oh April, the wonderful moments you'll bring...
I am definitely having one of those days of self-reflection, so this quaint workspace with a lovely view of the Eiffel Tower is such a nice little escape for me.  I'm not all that big on new year's resolutions because I'm more of a "take the whole pie and slice a little bit at a time" kind of person.  What I mean by that is I prefer to set monthly goals because it is easier for me to measure and adjust where needed, if I miss the mark or if I'm on a roll, keep the momentum going.  With having said that and this being a new month, I have those goals set and written where I can see them, and I'm on my way.  They are not all professional goals, though.  Some of them are relationship goals that I've set because I've noticed how I've neglected some.  I'm not happy about that, but it happens.  The important thing is that I see the areas where I've fallen short and now I'm making the adjustments before it's too late.
I find it challenging, sometimes, to let go of things that are not working.  For some reason I seem to think if I hang in there and try different ways or do things differently, I can change whatever the situation.  Well, that isn't always the case.  So, when I've done all I can to get a positive result; whether it's work related or of a more personal nature, and it's still not adding up...that's when it's time to start subtracting and letting go.  As difficult as that may be initially, I'm always the better for it in the end!
Make it AMAZING!
P.S.  If you haven't already noticed the banner on the right side that shows my participation in the 2013 Room Service Atlanta project, please take a little time to click on the banner to find out more about this wonderful organization.  I spoke briefly about my participation in the project last week in a posting, Inspirations from the Paris Metro.  If you would like to assist me in making the boys lounge one that will be totally amazing and inspiring for them, please click on the donation link and donate what you can.  If you would like to donate items, definitely send me an email so that I can give more information on what is needed.  Thank you so much for everything!

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