Rabu, 03 April 2013

Mid Week Tidbits and Other Stuff

I've been having such a great week!  I hope you have as well...
Since announcing my participation in the 2013 Room Service Atlanta project, friends and followers of my blog, Facebook, and Twitter have been so supportive with their donations and words of encouragement.  I feel really blessed to have these people in my life.  Sure, some I may only interact with on the social media sites and have not ever laid eyes on, but to know that there is something about me and what I'm doing that has impacted them enough to do something to help me and my cause, simply overwhelmes me.
There's nothing that I like more than statement necklaces.  I've not tried layering them, but after seeing how striking this looks, I think I may try my hand at it and give it a go.  Yesterday, I took my son to the park to shoot around a little bit and walk the trail.  Guess what I had on?  That's right, a statement necklace!  I should have had him take a picture!  I don't think anything of putting one of those fabulous pieces on with a sweatshirt or zip-up hoody!  Like Bill Blass once said "Style is primarily a matter of instinct."  Great instincts, great style! 
I long to have one of these sitting places in my home.  It doesn't have to be in my bedroom...hmm, I actually prefer that it's not.  My bedroom is definitely relaxing, as it should be; but when I try to read in there, it's not long before I'm sound asleep.  I love to read!  I will read anything I can get my hands on.  Unfortunately, I don't get to do as much leisure reading as I would like, but I do my best to get it in when I can.  Stephen King was quoted as saying, "If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write."  Obviously, I like to write and I'm never really at a loss of things to write about.  Well, that's not exactly true.  Sometimes, when I'm trying to decide what you guys will be interested in reading, I do find myself at a loss...

I wish I were more of a DIY'er!  I would love to go buy a few of these wide plank boards and put them together to make an awesome desk like this!  Or table even for crafts and what not!  I do know a few people who could make it for me.  Maybe I'll give them a call and see what we can do.  There is a quiet pleasure I get when I design something on paper and then actually see the manifestation of it.  So maybe it's not so much the DIY aspect that I'm interested in, as much as it is just designing pieces and having someone else make it!  Now that's a thought!

Ah, Tina Turner...the Burner!  I love her!  I've never had the privilege of seeing her perform in person.  What a show she puts on, I'm sure!  I adore this picture of her.  I adore the picture of any woman (or man) that can smile and laugh with abandon.  It says a lot to me.  I'm told I smile a lot.  I do.  It was even observed by a friend that I smile even when I'm uncomfortable or faced with a less than desireable situation.  I do.  Smiling makes me feel better and it makes handling those sticky challenges easier.  I don't smile when someone is upset with me.  That would be mocking and insensitive.  I have more sense than that!  I just think that if we all smiled a bit more, it would make life and all of it's challenges and difficulties a little bit easier to bear.  You should try throwing your head back and laughing a hearty laugh!  Let me know how it made you feel.  Oooh, also try smiling when you're upset!  That's a good one!  Definitely let me know how that one goes!

I think a lot.  Too much even.  Sometimes anyway.  But, I will say this 95% of what I think about doing for myself, my family and friends, and my career, always has a positive ending!  The other 5% either wasn't given enough thought and ended with unfavorable results or never got done at all...
Make it AMAZING!

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