Senin, 15 April 2013

Hello! Are You There?

Oh, hello!  Yes, I am still here!  I know that it has been over a week since my last posting.  Last week my daughter was on spring break and well, I decided I would take a break right along with her!  We had a pretty good week together.  She needed that time only a Mommy can give.  The time I spent away in Paris had taken it's toll on my little one!  She will not always want to spend time with me, so I have to enjoy every moment of it!  I pray that she and I will have the special mother/daughter relationship that I had and still have with my mom.  I don't know what I would have done without my mom, and I am so truly blessed that I didn't have to find out.
This is pretty much how I've been feeling for quite some time now; especially prior to my trip.  It just doesn't seem like there is enough time in the day for me to get things done.  Well, there really isn't...but thank God, in all of His infinite wisdom, he knew that if it can't get done in twenty-four hours, then it can wait until the next day!  I've got to begin practicing better time management.  I use to be so good at that!  Hmmm, not sure what happened... So NOT true!  I lost my focus!  I lost that tenacity to jump in and get things done.  The best way to get it back, is to get it back!

Here are a couple of images from a bedroom project that is, for the most part, completed.  I don't think I was suppose to put a comma after "is"?  It's a verb, so isn't there a rule about that?  I wanted that pause for affect though.  Shaking my head at myself...moving on!  There are still a few more items to get to really make the room sing, but the clients are pleased with the outcome and that is all that matters.  I hope to photograph it professionally and show you the before pictures.  You will literally fall out of your seat when you see these!  I am so grateful they listened to me and downsized from a king-sized bed to a queen.  What is it about having a king-sized bed anyway?  Pete and I had one when we first got married and I grew to loathe that thing!  If you and your mate feel you need that much space between you while sleeping, may I suggest counseling!  There are other issues in play here that really should be looked at!  Anyhoo!  The bedding for a king-sized bed is much too expensive and although our bedroom could accommodate it, it still took up so much space!  The orientation of this client's bedroom really didn't allow for a king-sized bed and now I am so excited that the room can have a sitting area because of this simple adjustment. 

Okay, so on Saturday a girlfriend and I went out for drinks at one nearby restaurant, where we sat for a few hours at the bar catching up and enjoying our friendship.  We then left there and headed not too far down the street to a new restaurant that had recently opened called Khalifa Hookah Lounge.  I've not ever been to a place like this before, but can I tell you how much fun I had!  Oh my gosh!  It was just my kind of place!  Very laid back, very calming...a place where I can go with friends and totally hang out and have a great time.  As you can see from the photo, a great time is exactly what I had!  It's so funny that some people see me so completely different from who/what I actually am!  I mean, I typically always have a smile on my face and will laugh at just about anything!  But when they see me out having fun or even photos like this one, they seem to be shocked!  I'll have to ask to see what that's about!
This is one of my favorite photos from my Paris trip.  I took it while standing at the top of Notre Dame.  Isn't it beautiful?  I'm learning to take each day as it comes.  There will be days that are just chocked full of things to do and then there will be others where some of those things are really not that pressing, and can wait for another time.  The most important thing to do is to stop for a moment, just a moment, and listen to yourself breathe...take in who you are, and what you want.  In that brief moment, reflect on those people, things, and moments that have made you happy and given you joy.  These are the moments that help me to get through my days and I take them as often as I can.  I've been told by some that I have it so easy...and yes, I suppose when you're on the outside looking in, it could quite possibly appear that way.  All I can say to that is thank you!  I'm glad I make being me look easy.  I take that as a compliment!  I never want there to be a time where my appearance; whether it is the look on my face, how I'm walking, talking, or even my dress makes you think anything less.

Make it AMAZING!

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