Senin, 19 Desember 2011

My Favorite Christmas Memories #1

Growing up, my mom introduced me to so many classic movies that I still love watching to this day!  They all hold a huge significance to me during the holiday season.  I've selected just a few to share with you.  I hope you'll click on the links below the photos to enjoy a little snippet of what I adore so much.  What are your favorite Christmas memories?

I watch these movies with Noah and Gillian all season long!  They truly enjoy them!  I hope that one day, when they're older, they'll look back on these Christmas memories as fondly as I do!  Thanks Mom for giving me memories that I will treasure for a lifetime and can share with two of the most special people in my life!

A few more recent movies that we love to watch!

I could go on, and on!  Did I list any of your favorite Christmas movies?  I'm always open to new ones, so please let me know if there are some I have been missing out on!  Happy movie watching to you all!

Warm Hugs and Perfect Kisses!

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