Selasa, 27 November 2012

Furniture, Floors, Walls, and Such...

Have you ever walked into a room and was just immediately arrested by the elements that made it?  I love it when that happens.  It really inspires me when I experience a positive, emotional connection to a room.  Every room emotes a feeling, whether it is harmonious, energetic, menacing, or relaxing, the feeling is real and the elements that create the room is like, in many ways the puppet master...
Take this room for example, it is filled with light, patterns, and the color palette is soothing and sophisticated with shades of browns, taupes, grays, and cream.  Not only are you able to visually experience the room, but physically as well, with the textural qualities of the flooring, wall covering, and luxe upholstery.
Glamorous...the silkened detail of the wall covering and the velvety richness of the sofa!  But then, to not take itself to seriously, the introduction of the low modern coffee table in a honey wood finish.  There is always room for animal print and the whimsy of an inquisitive feline sculpture.  Typically I would frown at the singular, small framed painting, but not this time.  It's just enough to add interest without covering up that amazing wall!  How incredible indeed the way the rug, sofa, and wall play nice with each other in a balance of fluidity.
I want to lay on this sofa and read a book or two!  The lofty pillows and cushions are beckoning for me.  I have to wonder, does anyone actually sit here?  I'm a fluffer, but even over time the rear end of many users will just wear a sofa down!  I can imagine that this carpet is so soft underfoot.  A definite delight for the feet!  Art is everything in a room.  I have such a greater appreciation for it's magical powers!  Why did it ever take me so long to grasp what a difference it makes in an interior?  Well, now that I have it will never be lost on me again!
There is something a bit off in this space to me... I can't put my finger on it.  I love all of the elements!  The rug, the furnishings, the wall covering, etc., etc. are all beautiful, but something is just off.  I'm not sure how I would feel in this space.  Just looking at this photo, I feel somewhat restless.  Again, I think it's beautiful!  I'm just not comfortable... Hmm, maybe the wall needs something else?  What do you think?  Am I a total nutso for feeling a little disconcerted here?
These are the kinds of sitting places that I would love to read a book, have a cup of tea, or chat with a girlfriend.  I feel I would be in a very reflective mood (and not because of the mirrored wall).  I like the moody abstract quality of the painting.  I could get lost in it.  The nailhead detail of this settee and the wonderful turned wood legs are lovely and somewhat delicate, complementing the petite, bamboo glass topped table. 
Such a lovely space!  It wouldn't quite work in my home, but oh how I adore this.  The tapestry above is exquisite and the sofa is striking in pink.  I don't think it's too much at all!  I think the rich finish of the sofa's frame and the side table adds a bit of depth and assists this space in finding a nice balance in a feminine and modern way.  Even the flooring helps to invoke a slight rough quality that keeps the girly vibe at bay, no?
Ahh, how I love draperies!  I would love to drape a room in a gorgeous, ceiling to floor fabric.  I could let my imagination have it's way and lead me to places I've not been in my creative adventures.  There is something very regal about this sitting space.  Could it be the chairs that sit against the backdrop of the draperies?  Could it be the richness of the fabrics used?  Could it be the symmetry?  Whatever it is I would enjoy my time here.  Would you?
Make it AMAZING!
Original image credits can be found via my Pinterest board Sitting Spaces and Quotes

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