Rabu, 28 November 2012

Oh The Places You Will Go! Entry's, Foyers, and Hallways...

Not that I've not ever given entry's, foyers, and hallways much thought in the past, I can honestly say not as much as I have in the last couple of months.  Since submitting my proposal and being selected to do the lower hallway of the upcoming 2013 Cathedral Antiques Show Inspiration House, I've imagined, sketched, and researched to create just the right concept and theme for my space.  The Inspiration House is all about integrating antiques and vintage furnishings and elements into our more contemporary interiors today, and doing so seamlessly.  So, I think it only natural for me to notice these spaces more than I have in the past.
It is quite common to overlook these transitional spaces; not giving them the thought and consideration they deserve.  We often look at them as a means to move and transition from one space to another, not recognizing the wonderful opportunity to create something that makes this journey through our homes more adventurous, exciting, and beautiful.
I know, I know, typically these spaces aren't very large, so coming up with great ideas may elude us.  These are some of the most difficult spaces to design because you do want to consider the size, where they're located, and to what areas they lead.  But these obstacles shouldn't deter us from being creative and designing the most impactful spaces that we can.
Doing a faux finish, a beautiful wall covering, tile even, or a mural is a wonderful way to go.  If this isn't possible, there are numerous designs that can be done with paint; whether it be stensiling, stripes, etc., etc. just find what works best for your home and your lifestyle.
Zushing the space with art, interesting lighting, appropriately scaled furnishings, plants, you name it, will also make a tremendous impact and probably one that is completely unexpected to those who experience the space for the first time.  Also, be sure not to neglect the ceiling and floor!  Let me tell you, a little here and there on these two planes go a very long way!
If you're fortunate to have a larger space, go ahead and treat it like a room!  Add the furnishings, the rugs and draperies, and all of the elements that make a room an incredible place to live in.  There is no reason to do less just because you don't spend a great deal of time in them.  In fact, you should do more to make your travels from space to space one that is pleasureable and makes you happy that you did!
Make it AMAZING!
*Original image credits can be found via my All In The Detail board on Pinterest

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