Minggu, 04 November 2012

Sunday Inspiration

Did you remember to set your clocks back an hour?  I didn't until I awoke this morning and saw that it was 6am, and then it occurred to me that it was actually 5am!  So guess what I did?  Yes, I turned over to enjoy a few more minutes.  So, I laid there and began to daydream about some things that I want to happen in the next few months.  After a while, I began to become so inspired and had to get up and get going with my day!
Some may think that daydreaming is a waste of time.  I like to think of this time as my movie time with God.  Huh?  You heard me!  This is the time when God and I get together and he shows me what he wants for me, my life, my family, my friends; whatever it is that is on his agenda for me to get accomplished.  I enjoy these moments because while in them, I feel I can achieve all that has been shown to me.  I sometimes wish I could just stay right there!   
I learned early on that letting your problems determine the decisions you make is a huge mistake.  Whatever that problem is it is only temporary, so why let that influence you to make a permanent decision?  Take steps to find a solution to the problem, while also taking steps to make the dream a reality.  Most often what is needed is just a change in attitude.  You know the saying, "Your attitude determines your altitude"!  I don't know who said that, but it is truth!  Now don't get me wrong, those problems are very real things that must be dealt with, but don't allow the problems to suffocate your dreams!
It's so disheartening to see people putting themselves down and thinking the worse.  Usually it's because they're believing someone else's opinion of them.  It's impossible to be happy when you don't know who you are, what you deserve, and what you're capable of.  Don't allow what others think of you shape what you think of yourself.  They probably see something in you that they wish they possessed.
Until you are able to make yourself happy, you won't be able to make anyone else happy!  But also, don't look for someone to do what you are capable of doing.  It just takes you getting to know who you are!  Think about it, those in your life that bring you happiness, do so because you have gotten to know them and you recognize their value.  So, wouldn't the same be true once you get to know you?

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