Senin, 26 November 2012

Monday's Office Space And The Journey To Find It!

I hope everyone had the most amazing Thanksgiving holiday weekend!  Mine was filled with spending time with my family, cooking, and getting the house ready for Christmas decorating!  O my gosh, we went to a Christmas tree farm and cut down our very own tree!  We've not ever done that before and it was totally a lot of fun!  I may upload the video I shot!  Hmmm, I don't know, I hate the way I sound on those things!  Anyhoo, lot's of fun was had by all!!!
Before we get to the actual images, I would like to be forthcoming and say that often times I am somewhat lazy, yes lazy, when it comes to searching for the original credit for photos.  Not that I am trying to take credit for the beautiful images that I post, that's just wrong; but sometimes finding who shot them, the publication, or the designer is a daunting task.  I do feel like everyone should be given credit for their work!  It's only fair and it's the right thing to do.  Therefore I will always cite my source.  With Pinterest being so huge right now and being able to capture the site an image was pinned from, it makes it a lot easier to find, as well as the use of Google Image Search.
So, I first saw this image on Pinterest, of course, and pinned it to my Work Spaces board from Ashlina Kaposta.  The Decorista, herself pinned it from The Dust Jacket, a blog much like my own, edited by Debra in the Australian countryside, which led me to The Rag Rug blog, edited by Saani and Joona in Turku, Finland.  This is their studio, where they work, entertain, and live.  I love, love, love the desk!  It takes up so very little visual space and is very clean and modern!
I wish I could have an all white space, but unfortunately I would need to clean daily (maybe a couple of times daily) in order to not be overrun by dust bunnies, unsightly marks, and God only knows what else!  A large mirror leaning against a wall is never a bad idea!  It was recently brought to my attention that I have mirrors in every room in my house.  I really had not ever noticed that before.  Really!  Isn't it funny that someone who notices details did not notice this in her own home?  Interesting... I will analyze this later, for sure! 
I really need to get some of these lucite organizers!   It makes it so much easier to see and grab whatever is needed without wasting precious time going on a scavenger hunt... Always a fan of having things like books, magazines, photos and posters in plain site to become apart of the decor.  Speaking of organizers, I am such a Container Store fanatic!  I could spend hours in there planning an efficient and organized work space, pantry, laundry, kitchen, etc.  Oh, and they have some of the best gift wrap!  No, they didn't pay me for this plug (I wish they had), but they do have some great stuff for wrapping lovely gifts!  You should totally check them out this holiday and let me know what you think.  I know, I seem to wonder off topic sometimes!  I did say this blog was about my "random musings", didn't I?
I am very grateful I do!
Make it AMAZING!
P. S.  For those of you who have voted for me on Top 100 Interior Design Blogs; Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!  Great Big Hugs and Kisses for you all!  For those of you who have not and wish to, voting is still going on and I would love to have your support!  Just click here and scroll down until you find me (STYLISH SPACES DESIGNED FOR LIVING)!  At last look I was #40, but with voting constantly happening, that can change in an instant!

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