Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Which Comes First, The Color Inspiration Or The Mood?

I love color!  I can't imagine my life without it!  I've been told I have a very "colorful personality"!  Hmm, what do you suppose they meant by that?  Anyhoo!  To find color inspiration and then interpret it into an interior successfully is such a great feeling!  Not necessarily successful because you got the colors right, but because you got how you wanted to feel in the space right.  Yes, to visually like the colors is very important!  What is imperative, but given very little thought is the mood and the feeling that the colors convey.  I know for me, it's more about how I want to feel in the room, more so than about the color.  So which comes first, the color inspiration or how you want to feel in the space?  I'm thinking, probably on a sub-conscious level is how you want to feel in the space, and this consciously determines the colors we select.  Did I just get deep again!  Sorry!  What can I say, nothing that is thought to be simple, really is!


Lonny Magazine


I just had to include this beautiful owl!  God is so amazing!  There is nothing in this world that can take credit for something being so incredibly beautiful!  I mentioned in one of my earlier postings about an "owl story" that I have!  One day, I will have to share my story of the 3 foot owl!  That's right, I said 3ft!  Ha!  You will forever think I not only have a colorful personality, but a very fanciful imagination as well!


Have a terrific day!

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