Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Why Did I Start Blogging, You Might Ask?

The other day while talking with a very good friend of mine, the question was posed, "why did you start blogging?"  At the time, I really couldn't answer the question. But since then, I've pondered it and this is why!  First, I love having a place where I can share images of what inspires me in a creative way, that's all "me".  Second, I love that such a community, the blogging community, exists where people like me, find inspiration from one another, AND for that very reason it inspires us to do more, search for more, and create more, for you our readers! Third, and might I say for me, the main reason is I get to be creative in my writing. It thrills me to no end to sit at my laptop and type my thoughts, in my voice, in a way that gives you insight into the kind of person I am.   However quirky, colorful, or deep; I am who I am, and I do think you get a very strong sense of who I am through my writing!  I  have always enjoyed creative writing!  Believe it or not, I've won quite a few essay writing contests while in school, and was among the highest scores on my sophomore comp examination!  Ah memories...Yikes!  However fond they are I choose not to go back!  Most, if not all, of my inspiration for writing comes from personal experiences or those of my family and friends, with their permission of course!  We all have stories to tell in a voice that's all our own.  It's just a matter of finding that voice and letting the stories pour out!  Think you need a little writing help to get started?  There are writing tutors that can assist you in getting your thoughts and ideas together so that you can make the most of your writing experience!

Anyhoo, this friend that I mentioned earlier, is a phenomenal writer!  I wish he would consider doing something with this most amazing talent that he has!  His short stories will literally transport you to wherever the story takes place!  It is incredible!  There is no time like the present to seize the countless opportunities out there to do what you love and actually make money doing it!  Which leads me to the fourth reason I blog.  Not that I see blogging as a way to make loads of money, however I do see it as an avenue that can open doors and afford me opportunities I've not ever considered.  Nothing ever just happens!  I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason!  That day, back in September, 2011 when I set up my blog and clicked "publish", I had no idea of what journey I was about to embark!  But, I can tell you, four months later, I'm so excited and inspired by all of its' possibilities! 

Thanks for stopping by!

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