Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

The Lightest Gray

There are the lightest shades of gray that create some of the most calm, relaxing, tranquil environments, and depending on the furnishings, fabrics, accessories, and all other elements, it can evoke a mood that transcends from one state of being or existing to another.  I have become more accepting of white.  I use to not be, only because white, in my opinion, really puts the pressure on to get the elements in the room just right.  It can be a very minimalistic space, with not very much in the way of furnishings or other decorations, however it still must strike the right balance and rhythm.  The wonderful thing about doing rooms in the lightest, palest of hues is being able to introduce varying patterns, textures, and finishes.  Not that this can't be done in rooms with color, but the impact that it makes in white and other lighter hued rooms is nothing short of inspiring.

Make it a great day!

*Original image credits via My Tumblr

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