Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

With A Man In Mind

Men, men, men!  I know some of the most kind, generous, intelligent, totally funny, and stylish men!  Notice the order I listed their attributes?  This is the order of importance for me!  Each month when I do this posting, I do it with at least a couple of them in mind.  They are my inspiration.  My significant other, my dad, my brothers, my best friend, my colleagues; all indelible inspirations!  Even those I do not know personally, but admire from afar; inspiring...

 How could you not be inspired by this guy!  There is definitely a self-assured quality that he has!  His look is well put together and just by chance he can't make it to the gym after work, it's okay because he's riding his bike to work!  Tell me you noticed the leather blazer underneath the oil skin jacket!  He likes to mix it up, not taking himself to seriously, and have fun doing it!

The pair of leather chairs above are fantastic!  So modern with the wood and metal frames and a great alternative to the traditional, however classic club chairs!

I love this kitchen!  Somewhat industrial, no where near contrived; utilitarian, but having a certain je ne sais quoi!  No?

Simplistic, only what is needed, and appearing collected!  Randomly beautiful with gorgeous pieces!

Why not turn a spare room into the dressing area!  Spread everything out where it can be seen and worn.  How wonderful is this?  No time for frivolity, only the things that matter most!


Classic and timeless.

I personally love these boots and can totally imagine the gentleman featured in this posting wearing these with masculine flair!

It's not enough to travel, one must travel well!

Love these vintage barber chairs! 

Perfection!  Truly exquisite!

It's all in the details!

Shall we?  Yes, we shall!

Make it a great day!

*Original image credits via My Pinterest Boards 

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