Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

Blogging Mistakes To Avoid!

We all tend to think that blogging is easy.  It is for the most part!  All one needs to do is sign up on your chosen platform, decide on a name, what your blog will be about, and start typing! But blogging has become much more complex and a huge platform for social networking and marketing. With web technologies advancing and becoming more and more complex day by day, it is time to evolve and become a more savvy blogger.

Let's take a look at a few common mistakes made by most bloggers:

Too many punctuations
Sure the grammar and punctuations are important but over use of them means that your post will not be taken seriously by visitors. Unnecessary use of bold, italics, apostrophes and CAPS just suffocate the blog. So use them only when necessary.

Too many images
Unless you have a blog on art and photography, or the images are used to support your theme and message, it is not wise to use images without reason even if they are the most beautiful pictures. Use the right images to add value to your blog. As a general rule, use only 2 -3 images for a descriptive post to make your post look useful and informative.

Too many posts
Publishing mindless posts, which are of little use to your visitors will only gather negative publicity for your blog. For example, if your blog is about a new
online casino, you can publish useful info relating to the games, any new bonus offers or exciting tournaments coming up. But writing meaningless posts on the casino will only discourage your readers and damage your credibility.
There are many more mistakes to stay away from, but these are the basics and a great place to start!  In every posting you create, be sure to...

Make it an AMAZING weekend!

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