Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

Variety Is The Spice Of Life And Creating A Collected Home

Hi, my name is Rhonda and I have dual personalities.  Yes, I am admitting it.  My husband calls the other personality, Heather!  Heather is the free spirited, fun loving, spontaneous, fly by the seat of her pants kind of girl!  She reacts more on impulse and emotion, without forethought.  Rhonda, on the other hand, is somewhat regimented and methodical in her thinking and the way she does things.  She is a planner, proactive rather than reactive, and basically once the challenge, problem, or obstacle has been identified, she leaps into action with a plan or solution.

Now, as you would imagine, Rhonda is more of a minimalist.  If it doesn't serve a purpose or have some ideal function, then it is probably considered to not be necessary.  She's not much for frivolity, and loses patience with randomness.  This is the point at which Rhonda and Heather collide!  In my opinion, to enjoy a collected home, one must be at ease with things not being perfectly orchestrated or "just so".  Oh, by the way, that was Rhonda's opinion in case you were uncertain!

That doesn't mean that introducing a variety of styles, themes, finishes, textures, and patterns is design running amok; it is simply a more discerning deliberate way of creating a look that expresses ones tastes.  The ability to layer elements and edit when needed, if not a natural talent is one that can be learned with practice and trial and error.

When selecting these images for this posting Rhonda and Heather both agree that the rooms are so well executed in its' selection of elements.  They make for wonderfully interesting and comfortable environments that inspire conversation as well as emote the personality of the owner.

Upon closer inspection of the images, Rhonda has to acquiesce to Heather, because she can appreciate all that she is that makes them a tremendous whole.  Aesthetics doesn't mean being void of any and all viable function, it is merely adding the variety that creates the spice for a fantastic design.  Although Rhonda and Heather find themselves at odds when contemplating the direction of a project, it is their shared love and appreciation for the principles and elements of design that wins time and again, when the rubber meets the road!

Make it AMAZING!

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