Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

How Beautiful Is This...

I'm writing this posting while sitting in a shaded spot at the park.   I thought instead of enjoying another gorgeous day from a window, the kids and I would get out and experience it first hand.  As we were walking, to my hand-picked spot in the grass, my son says to me "it's a beautiful day, Mom".  I say to him, "yes, it is isn't it!".  I love that at twelve years old, he appreciates the beauty nature bestows upon us.  For the next eight weeks I will post daily during the week and ocassionally on weekends, and I will try to post by noon eastern time; however, if I should not make this time, please understand that I am either working on a couple of projects that are still underway or spending time with my family.  I will always share with you whatever is inspiring me that day, for you see, as many of you can tell, I love to talk!  And I love being able to express whatever is going on in my head with those interested in reading it!  Thank you so much for stopping by when you do and making me apart of your day!  It is so appreciated, and with that being said...

Make it AMAZING!

*Images via [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

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