Senin, 25 Juni 2012

Monday: A Late Start To My Day, And It Is Okay!

If you've been following my blog for any length of time, you pretty much have a good sense that I try very hard not to stress and "sweat the small stuff"!  I got a pretty late start to this day.  I over-slept by a couple of hours!  I made my two lovelies their breakfast of choice, and proceeded to get ready for my day.  By the time I'd fired up my laptop, poured myself another cup of tea, and settled in; this time at my dining room table because my desk is an absolute mess and I just don't have it in me to clean, straighten, and organize right now!  Oh, where was I?  Oh, oh, oh, I was just sitting down to compose today's posting when the doorbell chimed and it was my post woman, mail woman, postal worker...I'm sorry, what should I call her?  Is there a proper name?  Anyhoo, she was delivering a parcel that I had just ordered on Friday and didn't pay the $18 bucks for expedited shipping!  Whew!  What a jip that would have been!  I'm rambling aren't I?  It was Monica Pedersen's newly published book Monica Pedersen Make It Beautiful.  I'm always excited when I received new books, magazines, and catalogs!  It's the anticipation of fresh inspiration!

Monica and I met years ago while modeling in Chicago and San Francisco.  We were both with the same agencies and were booked on a couple of jobs together.  Wow, as I think back on those times, for me, I wish I had reveled in them more and not been so eager to move on to the "next" thing!  Not that the next thing wasn't and hasn't been wonderful experiences, but what fun times they were then!  I'm glad to see Monica doing incredibly well and extremely happy!  Cheers to her continued success in every area of her life!

One of my favorite sections in Make It Beautiful!  This book is chocked full of lovely photos for different entertaining occassions!  It would be a fantastic addition to your library to refer to for awe inspiring ideas!

I do a lot of reading! A lot! And ninety-five percent of it is research and work related in one way or another! Right now I'm currently reading about the founders and the beginnings of The Gilt Groupe. Inspiring! I love it when people come up with innovative ideas, but also put together dynamic teams, where each individual brings that important piece that turns those ideas into realities.  They are always one step ahead because they're not spending a lot of time mulling over what they see right now! They are forecasters and influencers of what's coming down the pipeline, and are able to tap into their resources and make things happen! It is a great read for anyone!

Always adding a new book to my library of resources! Good Bones, Great Pieces is a fantastic resource of seven furniture pieces that should be in everyone's home and how to select them! This is one that you will refer to time and time again, as you shop for furnishings to live with now and for years to come!

And finally, work!  I've decided with this new project that I am working on, I would try my hand at creating the inspiration board on Olio Board.  I love how I am able to go to different websites and grab whatever element piques my interest and pull it onto the board, while Olio Board saves all of the pertinent information for me to refer back to and purchase if selected!  It really is a great tool for designers or anyone who is putting together ideas for a new decorating project!  I've been signed up for quite a while, just never sat down to take the time to learn how to use it!  This is kinda how I've started with every social media platform I'm on!  Oh well, anyhoo!  Better late than never, eh!  I will post more on this project as it evolves!

Make it AMAZING!

*None of the books mentioned above are paid advertisers!  They really are resources that I am excited about that I wanted to share with you

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