Senin, 18 Juni 2012

With A Man In Mind

Ask ten different women what are some things that come to mind when they think of their ideal man, and you will get probably, hmmm, seven to eight times out of ten, some of the same answers.  Now some may be a little more specific than others.  And some maybe more simplistic.  And yet, still others may even be just totally unreasonable and living in some fantasy world that they only have access to!  These are the ones that I think are trying to overcompensate for not being happy with who they are!  Just my opinion!  Anyhoo, when the rubber meets the road, we all want to be happy, treated well, and respected for who we are, what we have to offer, and what we bring to the table.  That's both men and women.  Outward appearances don't always get the prize!  I have met some men that aren't necessarily what I would call attractive, but they have this charm, charisma, I guess what they now call "swagger" that is well, hmmm, intriguing! 

As I was compiling images for this post, some of the things that came to mind were a simplistic elegance, an appreciation for art, travel, great food, beauty and well, just nice things as a whole, a knowledge of current events, and a confidence of who he is so that he can hold his own when handling someone like me!  Oh, and he must smell good!  These are my inspirations behind With A Man In Mind!  This is my fifth posting, I believe, on this topic so be sure to check out the other postings that can be found under the label For The Guys!

Make it AMAZING!

*Original image credits via my Pinterest boards

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