Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Okay, so there was this guy that I met a couple of years after moving to Atlanta from Little Rock.  I will never forget it!  I was working part-time at the Limited to help supplement the few modeling jobs I was getting while trying to become established.  Let's see, back then I was with L'Agence.  Long time ago!  Anyhoo, one of the managers that I worked with had to help out a different store with their grand re-opening and when she and I worked together again, she waxed on and on about this guy she had met!  Her name was Mandi Allen.  I didn't know it then, but Mandi would play an integral role in my life! 

I was stocking one of the earring towers when Mandi says quite loudly, "Hey Pete, this is Rhonda!"  I turn around and see this guy dressed in a pair of nicely pressed trousers, a crisp white shirt, and a necktie with this goofy grin on his face.  Back then that was the attire of the IBMer's that worked out in the field!  I, of course, say hello, but turn quickly to continue the intricate work of stocking those earrings!  I'm thinking to myself, "Really Mandi, this is who you've been going on and on about!  Really!  I mean he's cute and all, but just a little too on the nice side!"  As you see my friends, like so many young women, I was more interested in the bad boy!  You know the ones that you know are so not good for you, or himself for that matter!  Ohhh, to be young and foolish!  So a little time passed and Pete and I finally went out, though just as friends!  I mean come on, I'm not blind, he was cute and he was a lot of fun!  We truly had the best times together!  Just as friends!  We continued to "hang out" and one evening I accompanied him to a basketball game, he played in this IBM league, and he was really good!  I was impressed!  But not as impressed as I was after seeing him, after the game, remove his wet, sweaty shirt to put on a clean, dry one!  I literally thought I was in a cartoon!  My eyes had come completely out of my head and went to the other side of the court!  My! My! My!  Definitely a game changer!!!

Well, he and I married October 22, 1994, almost 2 years exactly from the time we met!  And guess what?  We're still going strong!  He is not only an amazing husband, partner, and friend, he is an incredible dad!  Our children are so blessed to have him!  When I decided to go back to school a couple of years ago, he never missed a beat picking up the slack and making sure none of the balls, he now had to juggle, fell to the ground!  Mandi saw what I couldn't see at the time was this courageous, spirited, strong, compassionate, funny, inspiring, determined, dedicated, and fine (and I truly mean fine!), man that I am blessed beyond deserving, to have as my children's dad!

Make it AMAZING!

P.S.  Thanks Mandi Allen!!!

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