Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

The Joys Of A Great Kitchen!

I'm sure all of us have hosted friends or visited with friends where the kitchen just felt so warm, inviting, and comfortable to where you sat for hours chatting and enjoying the time! When considering how you want your kitchen to function, obviously you must consider meal preparation, storage, lighting, appliances, and the like; but not to be neglected is how you want to feel in the space whether you're entertaining friends and family or just enjoying a quiet cup of coffee or tea.  Give consideration to those elements that make it feel like more than just a space where meals are prepared! 

What comforts would you like to include? Do you have space for a nice arm chair and ottoman? Or what about a banquette with comfortable pillows? Whatever your mind can imagine and the space can accommodate, take that leap and make it all that you want it to be! Budget is always a deciding factor, so be clever and innovative in how you go about accomplishing your goals! It has taken me a little bit of time to get a grasp on how I want to arrange and decorate my home because I want it to "feel" a certain way! But it is well worth it when hours have passed and everyone is too happy to care or to even noticed!

Make it AMAZING!

*Images via myPinterest Kitchens board

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