Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Let Me Tell Ya Bout My Best Friend!

I have never made any bones (Is that how that saying goes?  I need to call my mom!)  Anyhoo, I've never made any bones about how blessed I am!  No, please don't think this is one of those postings where I am making my life seem to be without it's hardships and challenges, because obviously it's not!  However, dwelling on things like that does nothing but keep you in bondage to it!  So as I was saying... I woke this morning, again as I've been blessed to do every morning, thinking about my time spent with my best friend, Tomeko Oates.  He and I became friends years ago while working at Louis Vuitton.  Now, there are many stories to tell of our time there, but for the sake of this posting, I won't!  We've been friends now for hmmm, ten years or so?  Seems so much longer!  We've seen each other through some truly difficult times!  We have witnessed moments in each others lives that would have made others spin on their heels and run for the hills!  But, we didn't!

When he and I spend time together, there is a song that plays in my head!  It's like my theme song!  I love the old classic shows from the 60's and 70's!  Could literally watch them all day!  They are just feel good shows!  I digress!  The name of the show is The Courtship of Eddie's Father.  Now, this show is about a widower and his son and their relationship, so the song really speaks to that; but where it strikes a cord with me is the happy, light-hearted, catchy chorus!  People let me tell ya bout my best friend!  I wish you guys could follow us around or be a fly on the wall for conversations!  Some would leave you with your mouths agape! Ha!  Some would make you shake your head in agreement!  Yes, Amen!  And some would make you cry.  We come down on each other when it's needed and we lift each other up constantly.  There are those that you can't share your happiness with because they will walk with you, but won't be for you.  There are those you can't share your trials with because they are glad you have them!  He's not one of them!  I have a very small circle that I allow to have access to my life and quite honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way!  Tomeko has a very special place with me that none of the others inhabit and the same applies for them!  I care for them dearly, appreciate them greatly, and am there for them in every way possible!  You get what you give!  You just have to be discerning with whom you give to!  When people show you who they are the first time, believe them!

I chose to place the above quote last because it is the last thing that I want you to read in this posting!  I have had experiences that I've tried to handle in my own strength, knowledge, and time that led to a place of isolation, confusion, and sometimes a lot of pain.  It wasn't until I acknowledged that I am not equipped to handle any of life's challenges and experiences on my own that things began to become clear in every area.  We need people in our lives!  Let God be the one to place them there!

Make everyday AMAZING!

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